Saturday, May 31, 2008

II of II: A Spiritual Perspective on Globalism

The well-being of a child in Iraq, Palestine, Sudan or Darfur, is a part of my dream of life and a part of your dream of life, even though you do not recognize it as so. The child matters not because I am a “do-gooder.” The child ‘over there’ is your child, for we are speaking of the zeitgeist of our culture. The way we view an Iraqi child is the way we view the unformed child in front of our own noses in our culture. Any child matters to me, because I recognize by the universal law of the Oneness of Being that my well-being, my future, and the future of life of life itself, is inextricably bound to the dream I am creating for every child. This truth also applies to the animal and plant kingdoms. We are all part of the same dream.

If you must have a graphic example of our current society's distorted reflection as it has come home to roost, observe the levels of juvenile lock-up in our society, the lack of health care for families, and the willingness to feed children food that will generate diabetes, obesity, and other expressions of the epidemic of financial greed. If you can rationalize sacrificing any child, you will be willing to sacrifice all children to that monster.

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