Monday, July 20, 2009

Afghanistan War Resister to "Put the War on Trial"

I dedicate this poem to Victor Agosto and Ehren Watada and all of our soldiers who have had the courage to put down their guns. May this poem circle the globe, bringing our troops home to rebuild our country.

Soldiers Put Down Their Guns

Sit down and make audible in this world the music you hear that comes from the world within. Open your mouth from deep within your pelvis. Grow a sound from a thin line to a thick resonate ambiance that fills space until Beauty and Joy sparkle everywhere.

Actualize right now! Be totally who you came here to be. Allow the integration of mind, body and breathe to become so complete that all fluttering of fear and doubt, all hesitation, simply cease.

Hear the silent symphony unfolding within the boundaries of your skin. Set the passion living inside you into rivers of color, light and sound. Roaring like a crashing wave, an unstoppable force breaks the limited boundary of your known world.

Life cries through your throat, and is born into the space around you. Your passion is a storm, a hurricane--violently demanding time, space and attention. Your passion crashes and roars through red lights, fences, fears.

The birthing is now! Here! Let it out. Let it be born as a new consciousness that sees beauty, hears beauty, feels beauty--everywhere. Let it be born as this new world. Nothing to do but align heart, mind and breathe with the creative powers of this Universe. Nothing to do but create Power, Beauty and Peace with the natural and indigenous creativity of this Universe.

People passing are attracted to your sound. They are compelled to bring their voices to the mix and take the sound onto the street. Soon the whole city is harmonizing, open-mouthed, like a huge flock of hungry bird-chicks.

Our tribal sound resonates the heavens open. The blue of the sky becomes a vortex for a great funnel of light. The Light fills us deeply. Our sound spreads, jumping across oceans to all continents of our planet.

Soldiers hear the sound.

Suddenly, they find the guns they shoulder so heavy they can no longer make sense of war. Without a word, they unbuckle straps that hold implements of combat to their bodies; and they leave their guns on the ground. Burdens lift. They walk toward the sound. Slowly tilting their heads to the heavens, their voices join the chorus of humanity.

As soldiers join the sound, the heart of Humanity opens. We each find a great joy in the center of our hearts. Borne through us all, we are enjoined by the passion and beauty of our living planet moving through us.

The force is unstoppable. Those who resist sicken and lose strength. The blue of Peace perfumes heaven and hearth.

We stand in the power of our truth; fear of the unknown subsides. Shining the light that we are, in joy with creation, we deeply celebrate the mystery in our creative expression. We feel the complete, simple satisfaction of recognizing one another.

Vital Force unfurls deeply, fully from within us now: You, We, Together, Weaving our Future.

deep love to you all, Courageous Ones,

Ruth Gould-Goodman

excerpt from my book, The Sacred Book of U

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