Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Social Networks Spread, Defiance Online

A Response to “Social Networks Spread, Defiance Online:”

Technologies that are simple enough to slip between the cracks of the authoritarian goons of censorship are exciting and necessary. Child like, they seem to rise up spontaneously just in the nick of time when it appears nothing can save the power of the people against the brute power of a well-armed militia. It seems to be a cosmic law.

With every technological advance in the government’s capacity to incarcerate the freedom that lives within each human heart, there is a corresponding development or understanding that allows that impulse to squeeze through the cracks and keep growing.

The impulse to be free and equal to everything constantly rises through our human nature for it is encoded in the deepest stream of life itself. It can’t be stopped. The impulse to be free to be equal to everything will always find a way to grow just as grass finds its way through stone and concrete.

Currently the technology of Twitter is flowing around the tightening fist of the authoritarian control of the Iranian government. Twitter is allowing the Iranian people to speak with one voice and express their anger and rage at having their election stolen from them.

Twitter is working to communicate beyond thick walls of fear and contempt for the life of a government that is deeply insecure in its legitimacy. The truth can be stopped some of the time but it can’t be stopped all the time.

Truth will find its way.

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